Governance and Local Development Institute

“We aim to promote human welfare by conducting scientifically rigorous research across the globe. Our research focuses on answering a fundamental question: why are some communities able to provide secure environments, good education, adequate healthcare, and other factors that encourage human development, while others fail to do so? We engage with communities across the world, develop methodological tools, gather data, undertake analyses on major issues affecting societies today, and disseminate findings to academics, relevant policy-makers, and the communities in which we work.”

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Social Norms and Sector-Level Engagement with the State: Evidence from East Jerusalem

In East Jerusalem, the vast majority of Palestinians contest the legitimacy of the Israeli state’s claim to sovereignty. This necessarily affects how Palestinians engage with the state in pursuit of goods, services, rights, and [...]


The first page of the GLD executive summary, "Could Decentralization Be Key to Resisting Electoral Autocrats? Evidence from Tanzania"

Could Decentralization Be Key to Resisting Electoral Autocrats? Evidence from Tanzania

Debates over decentralization in authoritarian contexts often center on whether it provides significant steps toward democratization or is simply a tool autocrats use to shore up their power. However, evidence from Tanzania [...]

An interview picture of GLD fellow Fernando Brancoli

Fellow Interview with Fernando Brancoli

Fernando is an Associate Professor at the Institute for International Relations and Defense at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is also an Associated Researcher at the Orfalea Center for Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Specializing in South-South relations, Brancoli's research delves into governance, security, and development. He has conducted extensive fieldwork across three continents, exploring the interplay between local communities and transnational entities and their collective impact on governance.

Governance Uncovered

Our monthly podcast invites scholars and professionals worldwide to discuss issues related to governance and local development with host Ellen Lust.

Governance Uncovered is supported by the Swedish Research Council.