GLD Working Papers

No.30 Bureaucrat-Local Politician Linkages and Hierarchical Local Governance in Emerging Democracies: A Case Study of Tunisia

No.30 Bureaucrat-Local Politician Linkages and Hierarchical Local Governance in Emerging Democracies: A Case Study of Tunisia

No.29 Caulking the Social Fabric: How National and Local Identities Promote Pro-Social Attitudes in European Diverse and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

No.29 Caulking the Social Fabric: How National and Local Identities Promote Pro-Social Attitudes in European Diverse and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

No.28 Choice and Choice Set in African Elections

No.28 Choice and Choice Set in African Elections

No.27 Do Women Face a Different Standard? The Gender and Corruption Factors in the 2014 Presidential Elections in Malawi

No.27 Do Women Face a Different Standard? The Gender and Corruption Factors in the 2014 Presidential Elections in Malawi

No.26 Creating Coexistence: Intergroup Contact and Soccer in Post-ISIS Iraq

No.26 Creating Coexistence: Intergroup Contact and Soccer in Post-ISIS Iraq

No.25 Do Female Local Councilors Improve Women’s Representation?

No.25 Do Female Local Councilors Improve Women’s Representation?