From Research to Action in Zambia: Insights on Covid-19 Vulnerabilities and Economic Impact


This is the first of two webinars that focus on the results of the first GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey and ZIPAR research and how those results can be translated into actionable governmental change in Zambia. This webinar pays particular attention to Covid-19 vulnerabilities and aid, and economic impact.


Professor Ellen Lust, Director of the Governance and Local Development Institute.

Marja Hinfelaar, Director of Research and Programs at the Southern African Institute for Policy and Research (SAIPAR).

Caesar Cheelo, Senior research fellow at the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) and Associate executive director at SAIPAR.


Related Publications:

Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Metheney, Erica; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen; Harris, Adam; Kao, Kristen. 2020. “Covid-19: Vulnerabilities and Aid.” The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia. 


Metheney, Erica; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen; Harris, Adam; Kao, Kristen. 2020. “Covid-19: Economic Impact” The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia.