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Vetenskapliga artiklar
Ahram, Ariel I. and Lust, Ellen. (2016). "The Decline and Fall of the Arab State," Survival, 58(2), pp. 7-34. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2016.1161897
Allam, Nermin; Shalaby, Marwa; and Ahmed Zaki, Hind. (2023) “Perilous Pedagogy: Teaching Gender and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa,” Politics & Gender, 19(1), pp. 272–277. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X22000186
Anyidoho, Nana Akuna; Gallien, Max; Rogan, Mike; and van den Boogaard, Vanessa. (2023). “Mobile Money Taxation and Informal Workers: Evidence from Ghana's E-levy,” Development Policy Review, 41, e12704, Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/dpr.12704
Appiah, Daniel and Abdulai, Abdul-Gafaru. (2022) "Conceptualizing and Measuring State Effectiveness as Impartiality," Public Organization Review, 23, pp. 1417–1436. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11115-022-00681-2
Baldwin, Kate; Kao, Kristen; and Lust, Ellen. (2024). “Is Authority Fungible? Legitimacy, Domain Congruence, and the Limits of Power in Africa,” American Journal of Political Science, [Online First]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12837
Barnett, Carolyn; Blackman, Alexandra; and Shalaby, Marwa. (2024). "Gender Stereotypes in Autocracies: Experimental Evidence from Morocco" Journal of Politics. Available At: https://doi.org/10.1086/733000
Barnett, Carolyn and Shalaby, Marwa. (2023) “All Politics Is Local: Studying Women’s Representation in Local Politics in Authoritarian Regimes,” Politics & Gender, [Online First]. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X22000502
Benstead, Lindsay J.; Kao, Kristen; Landry, Pierre F.; Lust, Ellen; and Malouche, Dhafer. (2017). "Using Tablet Computers to Implement Surveys in Challenging Environments," Survey Practice, 10(2), pp. 1-9. Available at: https://doi.org/10.29115/SP-2017-0009
Benstead, Lindsay J.; Kao, Kristen and Lust, Ellen. (2020). "Does it Matter what Observers Say? The Impact of International Election Monitoring on Legitimacy," Mediterranean Politics, 27(1), pp. 57–78. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/13629395.2020.1730601
Berens, Sarah, López García, Ana Isabel, and Maydom, Barry. (2024) "Classrooms or Crackdowns? How Violence Affects Security Policy Preferences in Mexico," Studies in Comparative International Development. Available At: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12116-024-09445-z
Bhatia, Jasmine, and Steve L. Monroe. (2024). "Insecurity and Support for Female Leadership in Conflict States: Evidence from Afghanistan." British Journal of Political Science. Available At: https://doi.org/10.1017/S000712342300056X
Bob-Milliar, George M. and Paller, Jeffrey W. (2023). “The Social Embeddedness of Elections: Ghana’s 2016 and 2020 Campaigns,” Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 61(3), pp. 293–314. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1080/14662043.2023.2242107
Boone, Cathrine; Wahman, Michael; Kyburz Stephan; and Linke, Andrew. (2022). “Regional Cleavages in African Politics: Persistent Electoral Blocs and Territorial Oppositions,” Political Geography, 99, e102741. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2022.102741
Carlitz, Ruth D. (2017). "Money Flows, Water Trickles: Understanding Patterns of Decentralized Water Provision in Tanzania," World Development, 93, pp. 16–30. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2016.11.019
Chirwa, Gowokani Chijere; Dulani, Boniface; Sithole, Lonjezo; Chunga, Joseph; Alfonso, Witness; and Tengatenga, John. (2021). "Malawi at the Crossroads: Does the Fear of Contracting COVID-19 Affect the Propensity to Vote?" The European Journal of Development Research, 34, pp. 409–431. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41287-020-00353-1
Chiseni, Michael, & Bolt, Jutta. (2024). “The Origins of Formal Educational and Gender Inequality in Zambia, 1924-1990,” Revista de Historia Industrial—Industrial History Review, 33(92), 49-92. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1344/rhiihr.44573
Clark, Janine A.; Dalmasso, Emanuela; and Lust, Ellen. (2019). "Not the Only Game in Towns: Explaining Changes in Municipal Councils in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia," Democratization, 26(8), pp. 1362–1381. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/13510347.2019.1641087
Donaghy, Maureen M. and Paller, Jeffrey W. (2023). “Sustainability Politics and Housing Development in Urban Brazil and Ghana,” International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 36, pp. 329–347. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10767-023-09449-y
Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam S.; Horowitz, Jeremy; and Kayuni, Happy. (2020). "Electoral Preferences Among Multiethnic Voters in Africa," Comparative Political Studies, 54(2), pp. 280–311. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/0010414020926196
Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam; Lust, Ellen; Ferree, Karen E.; Kao, Kristen; Jansson, Cecilia Ahsan; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2021). "Elections in the Time of Covid-19: The Triple Crises around Malawi’s 2020 Presidential Elections," Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, 31(S1), pp. 56–68. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/17457289.2021.1924745
Dulani, Boniface; Rakner, Lise; Benstead, Lindsay; and Wang, Vibeke. (2021). “Do Women Face a Different Standard? The Interplay of Gender and Corruption in the 2014 Presidential Elections in Malawi,” Women’s Studies International Forum, 88, e102501. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wsif.2021.102501
Eder, Mine and Öz, Özlem. (2017). "Spatialities of Contentious Politics: The Case of Istanbul’s Beşiktaş Neighborhood, Çarşı Football Fandom and Gezi," Political Geography, 61, pp. 57–66. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.06.008
Encarnación, Divia Jimenez; Metheney, Erica Ann; Thuvander, Liane; Kalmykova, Yuliya; and Rosado, Leonardo. (2024). “Revealing Patterns in Household Product Consumption and Sharing: An Approach to Support Urban Governance Towards a Sustainable Sharing Economy.” Sustainable Production and Consumption, 45, 244-264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2024.01.009
Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam; Dulani, Boniface; Lust, Ellen; Kao, Kristen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2021). "Stigma, Trust, and Procedural Integrity: Covid-19 Testing in Malawi," World Development, 141, e105351. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105351
Ferree, Karen. E; Honig, Lauren; Lust, Ellen; and Phillips, Melanie L. (2022). "Land and Legibility: When Do Citizens Expect Secure Property Rights in Weak States?" American Political Science Review, 117(1), pp. 42–58. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055422000417
Ferree, Karen E.; Gibson, Clark C.; and Long, James D. (2021). "Mixed Records, Complexity, and Ethnic Voting in African Elections," World Development, 141, e105418. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105418
Ferree, Karen E; Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam S; Kao, Kristen; Lust, Ellen; Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2023). “Symptoms and Stereotypes: Perceptions and Responses to Covid-19 in Malawi and Zambia,” Comparative Political Studies, 56(12), pp. 1795–1823. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/00104140231152753
Franklin, Sabine. (2023). “Can One Health Fight H5N1 Avian Influenza?” Lancet Planetary Health, 7(6), pp. 442–443. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00086-4
Franklin, Sabine. (2023). “‘It Was Organized from the Bottom’: The Response from Community-Based Institutions during the 2014 Ebola Epidemic,” Journal of Institutional Economics, 19(5), pp. 635–650. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137423000085
Hassan, Mazen and Shalaby, Marwa. (2019). "Drivers of Tolerance in Post-Arab Spring Egypt: Religious, Economic, or Government Endorsements?" Political Research Quarterly, 72(2), pp. 293–308. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/1065912918785995
Heinelt, Marie-Sophie and Lima, Valesca. (2023) “Enforcing Citizen Participation Through Litigation: Analyzing the Outcomes of Anti-Dam Movements in Brazil and Chile,” Latin American Politics and Society, 65(3), pp. 128–152. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1017/lap.2023.7
Hoelscher, Kristian; Dorward, Nick; Fox, Sean; Lawanson, Taibat; Paller, Jeffrey W.; and Phillips, Melanie L. (2023). “Urbanization and Political Change in Africa,” African Affairs, 122(488), pp. 353–376. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/afraf/adad021
Honig, Lauren. (2022). "The Power of the Pen: Informal Property Rights Documents in Zambia," African Affairs, 121(482), pp. 81–107. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/afraf/adab034
Irgil, Ezgi. (2020). "Broadening the Positionality in Migration Studies: Assigned Insider Category," Migrations Studies, 9(3), pp. 1215–1229. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/migration/mnaa016
Jöst, Prisca. (2020). "Unemployed Mobilization Without Organization. Grievances and Group Solidarity of the Unemployed in Tunisia," Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 25(2), pp. 265–283. Available at: https://doi.org/10.17813/1086-671X-25-2-265
Jöst, Prisca and Lust, Ellen. (2022). "Receiving More, Expecting Less? Social Ties, Clientelism and the Poor's Expectations of Future Service Provision," World Development, 158, e106008. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.106008
Jöst, Prisca; Krönke, Matthias; Lockwood, Sarah J; and Lust, Ellen. (2023). “Drivers of Political Participation: The Role of Partisanship, Identity, and Incentives in Mobilizing Zambian Citizens,” Comparative Political Studies, [Online First]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/00104140231194064
Kao, Kristen and Benstead, Lindsay J. (2020). "Female Electability in the Arab World: The Advantages of Intersectionality," Comparative Politics, 53(3), pp. 427-464. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5129/001041521X15957812372871
Kao, Kristen; Lust, Ellen; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2020). "The ABCs of Covid-19 Prevention in Malawi: Authority, Benefits, and Costs of Compliance," World Development, 137, e105167. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105167
Kao, Kristen; Lust, Ellen; and Rakner, Lise. (2022) "Vote-Buying, Anti-Corruption Campaigns, and Identity in African Elections," World Development, 160, e106064. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.106064
Kao, Kristen; Lust, Ellen; Shalaby, Marwa; and Weiss Chang M. (2023). “Female Representation and Legitimacy: Evidence from a Harmonized Experiment in Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia,” American Political Science Review, 118(1), pp. 495–503. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055423000357
Kao, Kristen and Revkin, Mara. (2021). "Retribution or Reconciliation? Post-Conflict Attitudes toward Enemy Collaborators,” American Journal of Political Science, 67(2), pp. 358–373. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12673
Kerr, Nicholas; Krönke, Matthias; and Wahman, Michael. (2024). “Where Are the Sore Losers? Competitive Authoritarianism, Incumbent Defeat, and Electoral Trust in Zambia’s 2021 Election.” Public Opinion Quarterly. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/poq/nfae030
Klaus, Kathleen; Paller, Jeffrey W.; and Wilfahrt, Martha. (2023). “Demanding Recognition: A New Framework for the Study of Political Clientelism,” African Affairs, 122(487), pp. 185–203. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/afraf/adad014
Lima, Valesca. (2023). “The Political Frame of a Housing Crisis: Campaigning for the Right to Housing in Ireland,” Journal of Civil Society, 19(1), pp. 37–56. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2023.2206158
Lueders, Hans and Lust, Ellen. (2018). "Multiple Measurements, Elusive Agreement, and Unstable Outcomes in the Study of Regime Change," The Journal of Politics, 80(2), pp. 736–741. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/696864
Lust, Ellen. (2018). "Layered Authority and Social Institutions: Reconsidering State-Centric Theory and Development Policy," International Journal of Middle East Studies, 50(2), pp. 333–336. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020743818000235
Lust, Ellen and Benstead, Lindsay J. (2024). “Is the Future Female? Lessons from a Conjoint Experiment on Voter Preferences in Six Arab Countries.” Comparative Political Studies, 57(14). Available At: https://doi.org/10.1177/00104140241237462
Lust, Ellen and El-Mahdi, Rabab. (2018). "Reevaluating the Nation-State Introduction," International Journal of Middle East Studies, 50(2), pp. 315–316. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020743818000077
Lust, Ellen and Rakner, Lise. (2018). "The Other Side of Taxation: Extraction and Social Institutions in the Developing World," Annual Review of Political Science, 21(1), pp. 277–294. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-polisci-042716-102149
Lührmann, Anna; Marquardt, Kyle; and Mechkova, Valeriya. (2020). "Constraining Governments: New Indices of Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal Accountability," American Political Science Review, 114(3), pp. 811–820. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055420000222
Maydom, Barry. (2024). Remittances and political participation in the Middle East and North Africa. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2024.2357833
Metheney, Erica Ann and Lust, Ellen. (2023). “Zambian Election Panel Survey: Dataset of Responses Before, Near, and After 2021 Elections,” Data in Brief, 48, e109073. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109073
Metheney, Erica Ann and Lust, Ellen. (2023). “GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia Dataset,” Data in Brief, 51, e109735. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109735
Mitchell, Sara and Pizzi, Elise. (2024). "Patterns of Government Disaster Policy Response in Peru," World Development, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2024.106707
Mitchell, Sara, Pizzi, Elise, Millerd, Carly and Choi, Jeongho. (2024). “Does Government Response to Natural Disasters Explain Violence? The Case of the Sendero Luminoso and Conflict in Peru,” Social Science Quarterly, https://doi.org/10.1111/ssqu.13438
Muriaas, Ragnhild L.; Wang, Vibeke; Benstead, Lindsay J.; Dulani, Boniface; and Rakner, Lise. (2018). "Why the Gender of Traditional Authorities Matters: Intersectionality and Women’s Rights Advocacy in Malawi," Comparative Political Studies, 52(12), pp. 1881–1924. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/0010414018774369
Noh, Yuree and Shalaby, Marwa. (2024). “Who Supports Gender Quotas in Transitioning and Authoritarian States in the Middle East and North Africa?” Comparative Political Studies, [Online First]. https://doi.org/10.1177/00104140241237476
Parreira, Cristiana; Tavana, Daniel L.; and Harb, Charles. (2023). “Ethnic Political Socialization and University Elections,” Party Politics, [Online First]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/13540688231166088
Pellicer, Miquel; Wegner, Eva; Benstead, Lindsay J.; and Lust, Ellen. (2021). "Poor People’s Beliefs and the Dynamics of Clientelism," Journal of Theoretical Politics, 33(3), pp. 300–332. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/09516298211003661
Pizzi, Elise; Hedding, Kylah; Dalrymple, Kajsa; and Harper, Sam. 2024. “Preparing for Flexibility in Response to Extreme Weather Events in Iowa.” State and Local Government Review, https://doi.org/10.1177/0160323X241249479
Post, Alison E. and Kuipers, Nicholas. (2023) “City Size and Public Service Access: Evidence from Brazil and Indonesia,” Perspectives on Politics, 21(3), pp. 811–830. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1017/S1537592722003176
Seekings, Jeremy. (2023). “Incumbent Disadvantage in a Swing Province: Eastern Province in Zambia’s 2021 General Election,” Journal of Eastern African Studies, 16(4), pp. 576–599. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1080/17531055.2023.2233728 Uses the ZEPS Dataset.
Shalaby, Marwa and Williamson, Scott. (2023). “Executive Compliance with Parliamentary Powers Under Authoritarianism: Evidence from Jordan,” Governance, [Online First]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/gove.12830
Shalaby, Marwa and Wängnerud, Lena. (2024). "Gender and Authoritarian Politics: Citizens and Elites’ Responses to Gender Reforms,” Comparative Political Studies. Available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/00104140241283159
van den Boogaard, Vanessa and Beach, Rachael. (2023) “Tax and Governance in Rural Areas: The Implications of Inefficient Tax Collection,” Journal of International Development, 35(7), pp. 1892–1912. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1002/jid.3756
Waldner, David and Lust, Ellen. (2018). "Unwelcome Change: Coming to Terms with Democratic Backsliding," Annual Review of Political Science, 21, pp. 93–113. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-polisci-050517-114628
Welsh, Blair. (2024). "Taking Civilians: Terrorist Kidnapping in Civil War," International Studies Quarterly, Volume 68, Issue 2. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/isq/sqae074
Xezonakis, Georgios and Hartmann, Felix. (2020). "Economic Downturns and the Greek Referendum of 2015: Evidence Using Night-Time Light Data," European Union Politics, 21(3), pp. 361–382. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/1465116520924477
Zayim, G. D., & Kayaoglu, A. (2024). School starting age and mothers’ labour supply: causal evidence from the 2012 education reform in Turkey. International Journal of Social Economics. Available at: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3882365/v1
Chanda Chiseni, Michael. (2024). The Economic Impact of Christian Missionaries in Zambia: A Historical and Long-Term Perspective, 1924-2018. Springer Nature. OpenAcess here: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-65304-9
Grimm, Jannis; Koehler, Kevin; Lust, Ellen; Saliba, Ilyas and Schierenbeck, Isabell. (2020). Safer Research in the Social Sciences: A Systematic Handbook for Human and Digital Security. London: SAGE Publications Inc.
Harris, Adam. (2022). Everyday Identity and Electoral Politics: Race, Ethnicity, and the Bloc Vote in South Africa and Beyond. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Honig, Lauren. (2022). Land Politics: How Customary Institutions Shape State Building in Zambia and Senegal. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Lust, Ellen (Ed.). (2016). The Middle East. 14th Edition. Washington D.C.: CQ Press.
Lust, Ellen (Ed.). (2020). The Middle East. 15th Edition. Washington D.C.: CQ Press.
Lust, Ellen. (2022). Everyday Choices: The Role of Competing Authorities and Social Institutions in Politics and Development (Elements in the Politics of Development). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Lust, Ellen. (Ed.) (2023). The Middle East. 16th Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Wahman, Michael. (2023). Controlling Territory, Controlling Voters: The Electoral Geography of African Campaign Violence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Benstead, Lindsay J. and Lust, Ellen. (2018). "Why Do Some Voters Prefer Female Candidates? The Role of Perceived Incorruptibility in Arab Elections," in Stensöta, Helena and Wängnerud, Lena (eds.) Gender and Corruption. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83–104.
Berens, Sara, López García, Ana Isabel, and Maydom, Barry (2024). ”Economic Informality and Security Policy Preferences in Mexico and Latin America,” in Unequal Security: Welfare, Crime and Social Inequality, edited by Starke, P., Lund Elbek, L., and Wenzelburger, G., London: Routledge.
Carlitz, Ruth and Lust, Ellen. (2021). "Governance Beyond the State: Social Institutions and Service Delivery," in Bågenholm, Andreas; Bauhr, Monika; Grimes, Monika; and Rothstein, Bo (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 620–641.
Dionne, Kim Yi; Dulani, Boniface; and Fischer, Sarah. (2021). "Pandemic Amidst Political Crisis: Malawi's Experience with and Response to COVID-19," in Greer, Scott L.; King, Elizabeth; Peralta-Santos, André; and Massard da Fonseca, Elize (eds.) Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, pp. 541–559.
Goldman, Maureen M. and Paller, Jeffrey W. (2023). “The NBA’s Partnership with Rwanda,” in Chadwick, Simon, Widdop, Paul, Goldman, Michael M. (eds.) The Geopolitical Economy of Sport: Power, Politics, Money, and the State. London: Routledge, pp. 173–182.
Jöst, Prisca and Vatthauer, Jan-Philipp. (2020). "Socioeconomic Contention in Post-2011 Egypt and Tunisia: A Comparison," in Weipert-Fenner, Irene and Wolff, Jonas (eds.) Socioeconomic Protests in MENA and Latin America. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 71–103.
Lima, Valesca. (2024). "From Social Housing to Upscale Regeneration: The Pitfalls of Residents' Participation in Dublin," in Martínez, Miguel A. (ed.) Research Handbook on Urban Sociology. London: UK: Edward Elgar.
Lust, Ellen; Kao, Kristen; and Okar, Gibran. (2021). "Historical Legacies, Social Cleavages, and Support for Political Islam," in Cammett, Melani and Jones, Pauline (eds.) The Oxford University Press Handbook on Politics of Muslim Societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 213–238.
Lust, Ellen and Waldner, David. (2016). "Parties in Transitional Democracies: Authoritarian Legacies and Post-Authoritarian Challenges in the Middle East and North Africa," in Bermeo, Nancy and Yashar, Deborah J. (eds.) Parties, Movements and Democracy in the Developing World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 157–189.
Shalaby, Marwa and Elimam, Laila. (2020). "Examining Female Membership and Leadership of Legislative Committees in Jordan," in Dahlerup, Drude and Darhour, Hanane (eds.) Double-Edged Politics on Women’s Rights in the MENA Region. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 231–255.
Shalaby, Marwa. (2019). "Toward Understanding the Link Between Good Governance and Support for Female Politicians in the Arab World," in Kubbe, Ina and Varriach, Aiysha (eds.) Corruption and Informal Practices in the Middle East and North Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 207–225.
Shalaby, Marwa and Marnicio, Ariana. (2020). "Women’s Political Participation in Bahrain," in Stephan, Rita and Charrad, Mounira M. (eds.) Women Rising: Resistance, Revolution, and Reform in the Arab Spring and Beyond. New York, NY: New York University Press, pp. 321–329.
Shalaby, Marwa; Allam, Nermin; and Buttorff, Gali. (2023). “When Inequalities Interconnect: Female Scholars’ Productivity amid COVID-19 Pandemic in the MENA Region,” in Stephan, Rita (ed.) COVID and Gender in the Middle East. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Korta sammanfattningar av forskningsresultat
Baxter, Megan K. (2024) “War and Displacement in the MENA: Addressing the Impact in Palestine, Sudan, and Syria.” Bjurenvall, Sara; Castaman, Kiara; Lust, Ellen; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, Executive Summary No. 1. Full PDF available here.
Baxter, Megan K. (2024) “Could Decentralization Be Key to Resisting Electoral Autocrats? Evidence from Tanzania.” Bjurenvall, Sara; Castaman, Kiara; Lust, Ellen; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, Summary No. 2. Full PDF available here.
Castaman, Kiara (2024). “Towards Gender Parity in Local Political Representation? The Cases of India, Morocco, and South Africa” Baxter, Megan K.; Bjurenvall, Sara; Lust, Ellen; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, Executive Summary No. 3. Full PDF available here.
Castaman, Kiara. (2024). "Beyond Ethnicity: Unraveling the Complexities of Political Participation in Zambia," Baxter, Megan; Bjurenvall, Sara; Lust, Ellen; Shabet-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No. 22. Full PDF available here.
Castaman, Kiara. (2024). “Local Gender Quotas: Measures that Facilitate or Hinder Women's Political Advancement in India,” Baxter, Megan; Lust, Ellen; Shaber-Twedt, Rose; Thomas, Anjali (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No. 23. Full PDF available here.
Castaman, Kiara. (2024). “Integration vs. Autonomy: Assessing Strategies for Indigenous Political Empowerment in Bolivia and Peru,” Baxter, Megan K.; Lust, Ellen; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, Policy Brief No. 24. Full PDF available here.
Castaman, Kiara. (2024). "Improving Anti-Corruption Efforts in Local Governance: Prosecutorial Presence in Brazil," Lust, Ellen; Namusanya, Dave; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, Policy Brief No. 25. Full PDF available here.
Kruks-Wisner, Gabrielle; Kumar, Tanu; and Mayberry, Jessica. (2024). "Mind the Gap: Citizen-Led Efforts to Build Bureaucratic Responsiveness in Rural India," ShaberTwedt, Rose (ed.). Governance and Local Development Institute, Policy Brief No. 26. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey. (2023). “Listen to the Youth: The importance of Increasing Youth Political Participation in the MENA Region," Hussein, Ghadeer; Lust, Ellen; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.16. Full PDF available here.
Lust, Ellen and Paller, Jeffrey. (2022). “Governance Beyond the State,” Shaber-Twedt, Rose (ed.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.17. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey. (2023). “Bridging the Gap between Citizen Expectations and Lawmakers’ Performance,” Lust, Ellen and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.18. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey. (2023). “Women’s Rights in the Middle East and North Africa,” Lust, Ellen and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.19. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey. (2023). “Rethinking Clientelism for Development,” Baxter, Megan; Jöst, Prisca; Lust, Ellen; Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.20. Full PDF available here.
Sosnowski, Marika. (2023). “Rethinking Ceasefires' Ability to Alleviate Civilian Suffering,” Baxter, Megan; Bjurenvall, Sara; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.21. Full PDF available here.
Brooke, Steven and Komer, Monica C. (2022). “Where Mosques can Help Women Solve Community Problems,” Bjurenvall, Sara; Lust, Ellen; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.7. Full PDF available here.
Bjurenvall, Sara; Paller, Jeffery, and Shaber-Twedt, Rose. (2022). “Local Governance in Afghanistan: Six Months After the Taliban Takeover,” Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.8. Full PDF available here.
Beardsworth, Nicole and Krönke, Matthias. (2022). “Party Cadres Threaten Peaceful Elections and Everyday Life in Urban Africa,” Bjurenvall, Sara; Lust, Ellen; and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.9. Full PDF available here.
van Baalen, Sebastian. (2022). “How Civilians Can Make Rebels More Responsive,” Paller, Jeffery and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.10. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey. (2022). “Bridging the Research-Policy Divide to Promote Local Development,” Bjurenvall, Sara and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.11. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey. (2022). “The Future of Local Governance and Development in Tunisia,” Bjurenvall, Sara and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.12. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey. (2022). “Agriculture and Local Adaptation to Climate Change in the MENA,” Shaber-Twedt, Rose (ed.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.13. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey. (2022). “Confronting Global and Regional Inequalities to Achieve Equity and Climate Justice,” Lust, Ellen and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.14. Full PDF available here.
Paller, Jeffrey (2022). “The World’s Most Water Stressed Region Requires Cooperation and Diplomacy,” Dafalla, Salih; Jacob, Thabit and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.15. Full PDF available here.
Shayo, Deodatus P. (2021). “Facilitating Crowdsourcing and Citizen Participation in Local Elections Through Digital Tools,” Bjurenvall, Sara; Lust, Ellen; Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.1. Full PDF available here.
Kherigi, Intissar. (2021). “Governing Municipal Spaces: The Importance of Addressing Sociological Factors in Boundary Reform,” Bjurenvall, Sara; Lust, Ellen; Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.2. Full PDF available here.
Ferree, Karen E.; Kao, Kristen; Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam S.; Lust, Ellen; Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia. (2021). “Knowledge as Preventor of Disease Stereotyping - Evidence from Covid-19 in Malawi and Zambia,” Bjurenvall, Sara and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.3. Full PDF available here.
Ferree, Karen E. (2021) ”Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy in Malawi,” Bjurenvall, Sara and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.4. Full PDF available here.
Blackman, Alexandra Domike; Clark, Julia; and Sasmaz, Aytug. (2021). “Local Councils: Representing Citizen Interests,” Bjurenvall, Sara and Shaber-Twedt, Rose (eds.). Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.5. Full PDF available here.
Bergman, Jennifer; Lust, Ellen, and Shaber-Twedt, Rose. (2021). “Policy Roundtable – Moroccan Elections,” Governance and Local Development Institute, GLD Policy Brief No.6. Full PDF available here.
GLD:s e-tidskrift
Clientalism and African Elections, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 1.
Non-State Actors and Peace Building, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 2.
Gender and Local Governance, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 3.
Local Governance and Decentralization, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 4.
Non-State Governance, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 5.
Diversity and Social Cohesion, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 6.
Local Governance and Institutions, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 7.
Local Governance and Institutions, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 8.
Forced Migration, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 9.
Local Participation and Representation, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 10.
Local Governance in Tunisia, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 11.
Governance and Institutions, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 12.
Covid-19, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 13.
Local Authorities, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 14.
Social Contact and Political Control, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 15.
Citizen’s Perspectives, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 16.
Citizen’s Preferences, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 17.
Elections, University of Gothenburg, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 18.
Corruption and Accountability, Governance and Local Development Institute Research Paper Series, Vol. 19.
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam; and Kao, Kristen. (2020). "Covid-19 Fears," The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia. Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/fbdzlzkwgbm4/covidfears_zambia/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam; and Kao, Kristen. (2020). "Covid-19: Trust in Authorities," The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia. Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/b46ibdq8clq0/trustinauthorities_zambia/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam; and Kao, Kristen. (2020). "Covid-19: Response to Illness," The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia. Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/2sif8qfjqzed/responsetoillness_zambia/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam; and Kao, Kristen. (2020). "Covid-19: Precautionary Behavior," The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia. Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/slivctm9hi2u/zcsr1-precautionary-brochure/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam and Kao, Kristen. (2020). "Covid-19: Economic Impact," The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia. Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/aox1ybhfeb3o/zambia-economicimpact/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam; and Kao, Kristen. (2020). "Covid-19: Vulnerabilities and Aid," The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia. Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/2mhbca2qqqye/covidvulnerabilities_zambia/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; Hinfelaar, Marja; Dulani, Boniface; Ferree, Karen E.; Harris, Adam; and Kao, Kristen. (2020). "Covid-19: Community Restrictions," The First GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia. Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/hjmupsq3_weq/communityrestrictions_zambia2/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Bergman, Jennifer; Hinfelaar, Marja; Lust, Ellen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2021). "Life Changes and Fears," Drawing on data from: Lust, Ellen (PI); Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Hinfelaar, Marja; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2020). "The Second GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/s7n2sqwuxewx/covidfears_zambia2/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Bergman, Jennifer; Hinfelaar, Marja; Lust, Ellen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2021). "Community Restrictions," Drawing on data from: Lust, Ellen (PI); Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Hinfelaar, Marja; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2020). "The Second GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/hjmupsq3_weq/communityrestrictions_zambia2/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Bergman, Jennifer; Hinfelaar, Marja; Lust, Ellen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2021). "Needs and Assistance," Drawing on data from: Lust, Ellen (PI); Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Hinfelaar, Marja; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2020). "The Second GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/bmofrjaow_qr/assistance_zambia_round2/
Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Bergman, Jennifer; Hinfelaar, Marja; Lust, Ellen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2021). "Social Challenges to Covid-19 Precautions," Drawing on data from: Lust, Ellen (PI); Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Hinfelaar, Marja; and Metheney, Erica Ann. (2020). "The Second GLD-SAIPAR Covid-19 Survey in Zambia." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/n8f8esdamlhd/precautionary_behaviour_zambiaround2/
Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; and Dulani, Boniface. (2020). "Covid-19 Vulnerabilities," data drawn from Lust, Ellen (PI); Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam; Ferree, Karen; Kao, Kristen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. "The First GLD-IPOR Covid-19 Survey in Malawi." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/view/9ldkgMCm5fIuxVSW2f7b?fbclid=IwAR1m7pZH80Ym3wKrcM2uOdoTPHVlaDmI456Kc8mwnZtsG5Q6SThql0Gtnx4
Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen and Dulani, Boniface. (2020). "Covid-19 Fears," Drawing on data from Lust, Ellen (PI); Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam; Ferree, Karen; Kao, Kristen and Metheney, Erica Ann. "The First GLD-IPOR Covid-19 Survey in Malawi." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/ffmbdzpiuou0/covidfears/
Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; and Dulani, Boniface. (2020). "Covid-19 Trust in Authorities," drawing on data from Lust, Ellen (PI); Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam; Ferree, Karen E.; Kao, Kristen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. “The First GLD-IPOR Covid-19 Survey in Malawi.” Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/fictzn6qgmjb/trustinauthorities/?fbclid=IwAR0dBSwWQleQz5pZdfxwUzPo5qUel_9wfu4boDRLmxvu4ZW3S3CmTcYegM0
Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; and Dulani, Boniface. (2020). "Covid-19 Response to Illness," Drawing on data from Lust, Ellen (PI); Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam; Ferree, Karen E.; Kao, Kristen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. "The First GLD-IPOR Covid-19 Survey in Malawi." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/lhys7xanqiw3/responsetoillness/?fbclid=IwAR1sRnP0TwWdYxKHm_x_oU4lVc9sGJM47EuLxb2wgle5TicJMXMEMX1TzTU
Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; and Dulani, Boniface. (2020). "Covid-19 Social Reactions," Drawing on data from Lust, Ellen (PI); Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam; Ferree, KarenE. ; Kao, Kristen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. "The First GLD-IPOR Covid-19 Survey in Malawi." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/6mz6zmtkfdxe/socialreactions/
Metheney, Erica Ann; Lust, Ellen; and Dulani, Boniface. (2020). "Covid-19 Economic Impact," Drawing on data from Lust, Ellen (PI); Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam; Ferree, Karen E.; Kao, Kristen; and Metheney, Erica Ann. "The First GLD-IPOR Covid-19 Survey in Malawi." Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://prezi.com/i/h-c1u1woudcc/economicimpact/
Dulani, Boniface; Lust, Ellen; and Swila, Hannah. (2016). "Binding Constraints in Service Delivery in Malawi.” Prepared for the World Bank, May 2016. Available At: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12500
"The Economics of Social Science in the Middle East and North Africa: Analysis for Social Science Research and Knowledge Production in the MENA Region." Prepared for the Research Ethics in the Middle East and North Africa (REMENA) Special Commission on Social Science Research in the MENA. Contributors: Andersson, H., Bergman, J., Bjurenvall, S., Bäck Persson, K., Ghassaban Kjellén, M., Hultén, E., Jennebratt, P., Lust, E., Metheney, E.A., Nibrant, L., Saidi Phiri, V., Sigrell J., and Wakuma, S. Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute. (2015). "The Tunisian Local Governance Performance Index: Selected Findings on Education." Series 2015:1, University of Gothenburg and Yale University. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute. (2015). "LGPI Report." Series 2015:3 University of Gothenburg and Yale University. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute. (2016). "The Tunisian LGPI: Selected Findings on Gender." Series 2016:2, University of Gothenburg and Yale University. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute. (2016). "The Tunisian LGPI: Selected Findings on Political Participation." Series 2016:3, University of Gothenburg and Yale University. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2016). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Land." Series 2016:4, University of Gothenburg. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2016). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Livelihood." Series 2016:5, University of Gothenburg. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2016). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Education." Series 2016:6, University of Gothenburg. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2016). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Health." Series 2016:7, University of Gothenburg. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2017). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings from 15 Districts." Series 2017:1, University of Gothenburg. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2017). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Gender." Series 2017:2, University of Gothenburg. Full report available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute. (2017). "The Tunisian LGPI: Selected Findings on Health." Series 2017:3, University of Gothenburg and Yale University. Full report available here.
Working papers
Thomas, Anjali; Hankla, Charles; Banerjee, Sayan; and Arindam Banerjee (2024). “Do Local Gender Quotas Improve the Electability of Women at Higher Tiers? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in North India,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.67. Full PDF available here.
Yeandle, Alexander. (2024). “Social Media, Incumbent Support, and Election Irregularities: Evidence from Malawi,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.68. Full PDF available here.
Bowles, Jeremy; Koehler-Derrick, Gabriel; Olson, Michael, P. (2024). "Elite Identity, Land Inequality, and Local Development: Evidencefrom Colonial Ireland," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.69. Full PDF available here.
Bagdanov, Hannah E. (2024). “Social Norms and Sector-Level Engagement with the State: Evidence from East Jerusalem,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.70. Full PDF available here.
Toral, Guillermo. (2024). “Street-Level Rule of Law: Prosecutor Presence and the Fight against Corruption,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.71. Full PDF available here.
Maara, John and Maydom, Barry. (2024). "Do Corruption Experiences Promote Emigration? Observational and Experimental Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa," Governance and Local Development Institute, Working Paper Series, No.72. Full PDF available here.
Groves W., Dylan. (2024). "Information and Motivation: Why Governments Respond to Watchdog Journalism," Governance and Local Development Institute Working Paper Series, No.73. Full PDF available here.
Lopéz Garcia, Ana Isabel. (2024). "Migrant Remittances and Local Taxes in Latin America," Governance and Local Development Institute Working Paper Series, No.74. Full PDF available here.
Chowdhury, Anirvan. (2024). "Domesticating Politics: How Religiously Conservative Parties Mobilize Women in India," Governance and Local Development Institute Working Paper Series, No.75. Full PDF available here.
Hartmann, Felix. (2023). "Do Voters Prefer Relief Over Preparedness? Evidence from Disaster Policies in Malawi," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.62. Full PDF available here.
Auerbach, Adam and Kumar, Tanu. (2023). "Politics in the Urban Periphery: Citizen-Led Expansion and Informality at the Edges of India’s Cities," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.63. Full PDF available here.
Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra and Green, Elliott. (2023). “Explaining Ethno-Regional Favouritism in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.64. Full PDF available here.
Martinez, Adan S. (2023). “Brazilian Subnational Pandemic and Everyday Health Politics,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.65. Full PDF available here.
Bozcaga, Tugba. (2023). "Members of the Same Club?: Subnational Variations in Electoral Returns to Public Goods," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.66. Full PDF available here.
Jöst, Prisca and Lust, Ellen. (2022). "Leadership, Community Ties, and Participation of the Poor: Evidence from Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.55. Full PDF available here.
Rahman, Natalya and Thompson, Sarah. (2022). “Roadblocks Remain: Constraints to Women's Political Participation in Pakistan,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.56. Full PDF available here.
Kao, Kristen and Lust, Ellen. (2022). "Do List Experiences Run as Expected? Examining Implementation Failure in Kenya, Zambia, and Malawi," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.57. Full PDF available here.
Bollen, Paige. (2022). “The (Spatial) Ties that Bind: Frequent Casual Contact, the Shadow of the Future, and Prosociality Across Ethnic Divisions,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.58. Full PDF available here.
McLellan, Rachael. (2022). "Local Control: How Opposition Support Constrains Electoral Autocrats," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.59. Full PDF available here.
Bob-Millar, George M. and Paller, Jeffery W. (2022). “The Social Embeddedness of Elections: Ghana’s 2016 and 2020 Campaigns,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.60. Full PDF available here.
Yasun, Salih. (2022). "The Municipal Finances and Challenges of Municipal Taxation in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.61. Full PDF available here.
Brooke, Steven and Komer, Monica C. (2021). “How Gender and Local State Capacity Shape Citizens’ Use of the Mosque,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 37. Full PDF available here.
Kherigi, Intissar. (2021). “Municipal Boundaries and the Politics of Space in Tunisia,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 38. Full PDF available here.
Marschall, Melissa and Unal, Saadet Konak. (2021). “Media Bias, Kurdish Repression, and the Dismantling of Local Democracy in Turkey,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 39. Full PDF available here.
Mehmood, Sultan. (2021). “The Impact of Presidential Appointment of Judges: Montesquieu or the Federalists?” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 40. Full PDF available here.
Revkin, Mara and Kao, Kristen. (2021). “How Does Punishment Affect Reintegration? Evidence from Islamic State’ Collaborators’ in Iraq,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 41. Full PDF available here.
Blackman, Alexandra Domike; Clark, Julia and Şaşmaz, Aytuğ. (2021). “Local Political Priorities during Tunisia’s First Democratic Municipal Elections,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 42. Full PDF available here.
Cassani, Jacob. (2021). “Bread and Salt: Labour, Reputation, and Trust between Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Hashish Farmers in the Northern Biqa’a,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 43. Full PDF available here.
Cammett, Melani and Şaşmaz, Aytuğ. (2021). “Equity with Prejudice: International NGOs and Healthcare Delivery in Refugee Crises,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 44. Full PDF available here.
Dulani, Boniface; Rakner, Lisa, Benstead; Lindsay; and Wang, Vibeke. (2020). "Do Women Face a Different Standard? The Gender and Corruption Factors in the 2014 Presidential Elections in Malawi," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 27. Full PDF available here.
Ferree, Karen E. (2020). "Choice and Choice Set in African Elections," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 28. Full PDF available here.
Esaiasson, Peter and Sohlberg, Jacob. (2020). "Caulking the Social Fabric: How National and Local Identities Promote Pro-Social Attitudes in European Diverse and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 29. Full PDF available here.
Yasun, Salih. (2020). "Bureaucrat-Local Politician Linkages and Hierarchical Local Governance in Emerging Democracies: A Case Study of Tunisia," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 30. Full PDF available here.
Lust, Ellen; Kao, Kristen; Weiss, Chagai; Shalaby, Marwa; Vollmann, Erik; Bergh, Sylvia I., Karmel, Ezra; Bohn, Miriam; Kherigi, Intissar and Kadirbeyoglu, Zeynep. (2020). "The Dynamics of Decentralization in the MENA: Processes, Outcomes, and Obstacles," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 31. Full PDF available here.
Worrall, James. (2020). "Power and Process: Decentralisation in Oman," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 32. Full PDF available here.
Ferree, Karen E; Gibson, Clark C; and Long, James D. (2020). "Mixed Records, Cognitive Complexity, and Ethnic Voting in African Elections," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 33. Full PDF available here.
van Baalen, Sebastian. (2020). "Reconceptualizing Rebel Rule: The Responsiveness of Rebel Governance in Man, Côte D’Ivoire," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 34. Full PDF available here.
Bozçağa, Tuğba. (2020). "The Social Bureaucrat: How Social Proximity among Bureaucrats Affects Local Governance," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 35. Full PDF available here.
Ferree, Karen E; Kao, Kristen; Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam S; Lust, Ellen; Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; and Metheney, Erica. (2020). "Disease Threat, Stereotypes, and Covid–19: An Early View from Malawi and Zambia," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 36. Full PDF available here.
Urinboyev, Rustamjon. (2019). "Everyday Corruption and Social Norms in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 19. Full PDF available here.
Thissen, Paul. (2019). "Legacy Institutions and Political Order in Weak States: Evidence from Chad,"Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 20. Full PDF available here.
Arat, Yeşim. (2019). "Beyond the Democratic Paradox: The Decline of Democracy in Turkey," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 21. Full PDF available here.
Sosnowski, Marika. (2019). "Ceasefires as State-Building," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 22. Full PDF available here.
Kao, Kristen and Benstead, Lindsay J. (2019). "The Importance of Intersectionality: Gender, Islamism, and Tribalism in Elections," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 23. Full PDF available here.
Hughes, Geoffrey. (2019). "Tribes without Sheikhs? Technological Change, Media Liberalization, and Authority in Networked Jordan," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 24. Full PDF available here.
Benstead, Lindsay. (2019). "Do Female Local Councilors Improve Women’s Representation?" Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 25. Full PDF available here.
Mousa, Salma. (2019). "Creating Coexistence: Intergroup Contact and Soccer in Post-ISIS Iraq," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 26. Full PDF available here.
Benstead, Lindsay J., Muriaas, Ragnhild, and Wang, Vibeke. (2018). "Donor Endorsements Help or Hurt?" Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 16. Full PDF available here.
Kao, Kristen and Mara Redlich Revkin. (2018). "To Punish or to Pardon?" Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 17. Full PDF available here.
Harris, Adam S. (2018). "Moving from Race- to Performance-Based Politics: Swing Voters in South Africa’s 2016 Local Elections," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 18. Full PDF available here.
Harris, Adam S; Kao, Kristen; Lust, Ellen; Ewald, Jens; and Holmgren, Petter. (2017). "Governance and Service Delivery in the Middle East and North Africa," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.10. Full PDF available here.
Muriaas, Ragnhild; Wang, Vibeke; Benstead, Lindsay J.; Dulani, Boniface; and Rakner, Lise. (2017). "It Takes a Female Chief: Gender and Effective Policy Advocacy in Malawi," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.11. Full PDF available here.
Pellicer, Miquel; Wegner, Eva; Benstead, Lindsay J.; and Lust, Ellen. (2017). "Poor People’s Beliefs and the Dynamics of Clientelism," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.12. Full PDF available here.
Lust, Ellen. (Ed). (2017). "Islam in a Changing Middle East: Local Politics and Islamist Movements," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.13. Full PDF available here.
Kao, Kristen; Lust, Ellen; and Rakner, Lise. (2017). "Money Machine: Do the Poor Demand Clientelism?" Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.14. Full PDF available here.
Clark, Janine; Dalmasso, Emanuela; and Lust, Ellen. (2017). "Not the Only Game in Town: Local-Level Representation in Transitions," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.15. Full PDF available here.
Revkin, Mara. (2016). "Does the Islamic State Have a "Social Contract"? Evidence from Iraq and Syria," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.09. Full PDF available here.
Alaref, Jumana; Lueders, Hans; and Lust, Ellen. (2016). "We Don’t Need No Education: Resource Endowments and the Demand for Social Service Provision," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.08. Full PDF available here.
Bazcko, Adam; Dorronsoro, Gilles; Quesnay, Arthur; and Youseef, Maaï. (2016). "The Rationality of an Eschatological Movement: The Islamist State in Iraq and Syria," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.07. Full PDF available here.
Ahram, Ariel. (2015). "War-Making, State-Making, and Non-State Power in Iraq," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.01. Full PDF available here.
Clark, Janine. (2015). "The 2009 Communal Charter and Local Service Delivery in Morocco," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.02. Full PDF available here.
Revkin, Mara. (2015). "Legal Pluralism In North Sinai: Mapping The rise Of Non-State Islamic Courts," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.03. Full PDF available here.
Abouassi, Khaldoun and Trent, Deborah L. (2016). "NGO Accountability from an NGO Perspective: Their Perceptions, Strategies, and Practices," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.04. Full PDF available here.
Stel, Nora. (2015). "Facilitating Facts on the Ground: The "Politics of Uncertainty" and the Governance of Housing, Land, and Tenure in the Palestinian Gathering of Qasmiye, South Lebanon," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.05. Full PDF available here.
Benstead, Lindsay; Kao, Kristen; Landry, Pierre; Lust, Ellen; and Malouche, Dhafer. (2015). "Use of Tablet Computers to Implement the Local Governance Performance Index (LGPI) in Tunisia," Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No.06. Full PDF available here.
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