Boundaries and Barriers: Social Institutions and Domestic Migration in Southern Africa
Ongoing (2019 - )
Boundaries and Barriers is a book project focused on domestic migration in Malawi and Zambia. The book focuses on how boundaries to entry to communities and ethnic-based barriers to integration shape experiences of migrants and longer-term residents. The book covers issues of social integration, community participation, political participation, and social welfare. It builds on GLD's LPGI 2019 data, collected as part of the Social Institutions and Governance: Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa (Vetenskapsrådet - 2016-01687) and Urbanisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia (FORMAS - 2016-00228) projects, and combines it with data from interviews and focus groups collected in Malawi and Zambia , as well as secondary data.
Professor Ellen Lust, Dr Erica Ann Metheney, and Dr Hans Lueders (Stanford University) collaborate on this project.