Valesca Lima

Dr Valesca Lima is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the School of Law and Government in Dublin City University. She researches policymaking and governance with three main areas of interest: citizen participation, housing policy and social mobilization. Her examined recent housing mobilization for housing justice in Ireland and Portugal was funded by the Irish Research Council. Her work focused on citizen inclusion at the sub-national levels, especially in contexts where participatory democracy was being implemented. This work led to the publication of the book 'Participatory Democracy and Crisis' with Palgrave and several other articles.

Her co-edited volume, 'The Consequences of Brazilian Social Movements in Historical Perspectives' examines the political outcome of social movements and explores the various consequences of social protest, published with Routledge. She has also worked on the interconnections between the political participation of vulnerable groups and has an ongoing interest in democratic innovations in Ireland, Latin America, the EU and beyond.

She’s currently co-editor of the International Review of Public Policy (IRPP), the open-access journal of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA), the co-convenor of the PSAI's Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group and co-director of the Women in Research Ireland, a charity focused on elevating the voice of minorities in academia. 


Read the GLD fellow interview with Valesca here!