
List of Publications

Everyday Choices: The Role of Competing Authorities and Social Institutions in Politics and Development

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No.74 Migrant Remittances and Local Taxes in Latin America
No.73 Information and Motivation: Why Governments Respond to Watchdog Journalism
No.72 Do Corruption Experiences Promote Emigration? Observational and Experimental Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
No.71 Street-Level Rule of Law: Prosecutor Presence and the Fight against Corruption
No.70 Social Norms and Sector-Level Engagement with the State: Evidence from East Jerusalem
No.69 Elite Identity, Land Inequality, and Local Development: Evidence from Colonial Ireland
No. 68 Social Media, Incumbent Support, and Election Irregularities: Evidence from Malawi
No.67 Do Local Gender Quotas Improve the Electability of Women at Higher Tiers? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in North India
No.66 Members of the Same Club?: Subnational Variations in Electoral Returns to Public Goods
No.65 Brazilian Subnational Pandemic and Everyday Health Politics
No.64 Explaining Ethno-Regional Favouritism in Sub-Saharan Africa
No.63 Politics in the Urban Periphery: Citizen-Led Expansion and Informality at the Edges of India’s Cities
No.62 Do Voters Prefer Relief Over Preparedness? Evidence from Disaster Policies in Malawi
No.61 The Municipal Finances and Challenges of Municipal Taxation in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia
No.60 The Social Embeddedness of Elections: Ghana’s 2016 and 2020 Campaigns
No.59 Local Control: How Opposition Support Constrains Electoral Autocrats
No.58 The (Spatial) Ties that Bind: Frequent Casual Contact, the Shadow of the Future, and Prosociality Across Ethnic Divisions
No.57 Using List Experiments to Study Vote Buying: Do List Experiments Run as Expected?
No.56 Roadblocks Remain: Constrains to Women's Political Participation in Pakistan
No.55 Leadership, Community Ties, and Participation of the Poor: Evidence from Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia.
No.54 Politics and Community Narratives of Participation in Local Governance of Rural India
No.53 Changing Repertoires of Housing Mobilisation: Struggles to Stay at Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic
No.52 Parish-Based Responses to the Philippine Drug War
No.51 Assessing the Performance of Local Authorities in Zambia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
No.50 Explaining the Resilience of Single-Party Regimes: Centralized Politics, Promotability, and Corruption
No.49 Co-Partisanship with Mayors and Citizen Trust in Local Governance Institutions: Evidence from Tunisia
No.48 Success Beyond Gender Quotas: Gender, Local Politics, and Clientelism in Morocco
No.47 Citizen Participation in Local Government Elections in the Age of Crowdsourcing: Explorations and Considerations in Tanzania
No.46 Women Leaders: Exploring the Effects of the Chief Executive Gender on Budget Composition in Comparative Perspective
No.45 Electoral Responsiveness in Closed Autocracies: Evidence from Petitions in the former German Democratic Republic
No.44 Equity with Prejudice: International NGOs and Healthcare Delivery in Refugee Crises
No.43 Bread and Salt: Labour, Reputation, and Trust between Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Hashish Farmers in the Northern Biqa’a
No.42 Local Political Priorities during Tunisia’s First Democratic Municipal Elections
No.41 How Does Punishment Affect Reintegration? Attitudes Toward Islamic State "Collaborators" in Iraq
No.40 The Impact of Presidential Appointment of Judges: Montesquieu or the Federalists?
No.39 Media Bias, Kurdish Repression, and the Dismantling of Local Democracy in Turkey
No.38 Municipal Boundaries and the Politics of Space in Tunisia
No.37 How Gender and Local State Capacity Shape Citizens’ Use of the Mosque
No.36 Disease Threat, Stereotypes, and Covid–19: An Early View from Malawi and Zambia
No.35 The Social Bureaucrat: How Social Proximity among Bureaucrats Affects Local Governance
No.34 Reconceptualising Rebel Rule: The Responsiveness of Rebel Governance in Man, Côte d’Ivoire
No.33 Mixed Records, Cognitive Complexity, and Ethnic Voting in African Elections
No.32 Power and Process: Decentralisation in Oman
No.31 The Dynamics of Decentralization in the MENA: Processes, Outcomes, and Obstacles
No.30 Bureaucrat-Local Politician Linkages and Hierarchical Local Governance in Emerging Democracies: A Case Study of Tunisia
No.29 Caulking the Social Fabric: How National and Local Identities Promote Pro-Social Attitudes in European Diverse and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods
No.28 Choice and Choice Set in African Elections
No.27 Do Women Face a Different Standard? The Gender and Corruption Factors in the 2014 Presidential Elections in Malawi
No.26 Creating Coexistence: Intergroup Contact and Soccer in Post-ISIS Iraq
No.25 Do Female Local Councilors Improve Women’s Representation?
No.24 Tribes without Sheikhs? Technological Change, Media Liberalization, and Authority in Networked Jordan
No.23 The Importance of Intersectionality: Gender, Islamism, and Tribalism in Elections
No.22 Ceasefires as State-Building
No.21 Beyond the Democratic Paradox: The Decline of Democracy in Turkey
No.20 Legacy Institutions and Political Order in Weak States: Evidence from Chad
No.19 Everyday Corruption and Social Norms in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
No.18 Moving from race- to performance-based politics: Swing voters in South Africa’s 2016 local elections
No.17 To Punish or to Pardon?
No.15 Not the Only Game in Town: Local-Level Representation in Transitions
No.14 Money Machine: Do the Poor Demand Clientelism?
No.13 Islam in a Changing Middle East: Local Politics and Islamist Movements
No.12 Poor People’s Beliefs and the Dynamics of Clientelism
No.11 It Takes a Female Chief: Gender and Effective Policy Advocacy in Malawi
No.10 Governance and Service Delivery in the Middle East and North Africa
No.9 Does the Islamic State Have a "Social Contract"? Evidence From Iraq and Syria
No.8 We Don't Need No Education: Resource Endowments and the Demand for Social Service Provision
No.7 The Rationality of an Eschatological Movement: The Islamist State in Iraq and Syria
No.6 Use of Tablet Computers to Implement the Local Governance Performance Index (LGPI) in Tunisia
No.5 Facilitating Facts on the Ground: The "politics of uncertainty" and the governance of housing, land, and tenure in the Palestinian gathering of Qasmiye, South Lebanon
No.4 NGO Accountability from an NGO Perspective: Their Perceptions, Strategies, and Practices
No.3 War-Making, State-Making, and Non-State Power in Iraq
No.2 The 2009 Communal Charter and Local Service Delivery in Morocco
No.1 Legal Pluralism In North Sinai: Mapping The rise Of Non-State Islamic Courts
Expectations, Responsiveness, and Electoral Accountability

No.23 Local Gender Quotas: Measures that Facilitate or Hinder Women's Political Advancement in India
No.22 Beyond Ethnicity: Unraveling the Complexities of Political Participation in Zambia
No.21 Rethinking Ceasefires' Ability to Alleviate Civilian Suffering
No.20 Rethinking Clientelism for Development
No.19 Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa
No.18 Bridging the Gap between Citizen Expectations and Lawmakers’ Performance
No.17 Governance Beyond the State
No.16 Listen to the Youth: The Importance of Increasing Youth Political Participation in the MENA Region
No.15 The World’s Most Water Stressed Region Requires Cooperation and Diplomacy
No.14 Confronting Global and Regional Inequalities to Achieve Equity and Climate Justice
No.13 Agriculture and Local Adaptation to Climate Change in the MENA
No.12 The Future of Local Governance and Development in Tunisia
No.11 Bridging the Research-Policy Divide to Promote Local Development
No. 10 How Civilians Can Make Rebels More Responsive
No. 9 Party Cadres Threaten Peaceful Elections and Everyday Life in Urban Africa
No. 8 Local Governance in Afghanistan
No. 7 Where Mosques can Help Women Solve Community Problems
No.6 Policy Roundtable - Moroccan Elections
No.5 Local Councils: Representing Citizen Interests
No.4 Vaccine Hesitancy in Malawi
No.3 Knowledge as Preventor of Disease Stereotyping
No.2 Governing Municipal Spaces
No.1 Facilitating crowdsourcing and citizen participation in local elections through digital tools

No.1 War and Displacement in the MENA: Addressing the Impact in Palestine, Sudan, and Syria
No.2 Could Decentralization Be Key to Resisting Electoral Autocrats? Evidence from Tanzania
No. 3 Toward Gender Parity in Local Political Representation? Insights from India, Morocco, and South Africa

The Economics of Social Science in the Middle East and North Africa.
Supplementary Information to The Economics of Social Science in the Middle East and North Africa
تقرير حول استطلاع رأي الشباب: النوع الاجتماعي وقابلية الانتخاب في العالم العربي
Report on Youth Survey: Gender and Electability in the Arab World
Fears, Vulnerabilities, and Precautions over COVID-19: A report on Citizen's Experiences in Malawi and Zambia
The Tunisian LGPI: Selected Findings on Health (2017)
The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Gender (2017)
The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings from 15 Districts (2017)
The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Health (2016)
The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Education (2016)
The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Land (2016)
The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Livelihood (2016)
The Tunisian LGPI: Selected Findings on Political Participation (2016)
The Tunisian LGPI: Selected Findings on Gender (2016)
The Tunisian Local Governance Performance Index: Selected Findings on Education (2015)
LGPI Report (2015)