No.72 Do Corruption Experiences Promote Emigration? Observational and Experimental Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
No.67 Do Local Gender Quotas Improve the Electability of Women at Higher Tiers? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in North India
No.63 Politics in the Urban Periphery: Citizen-Led Expansion and Informality at the Edges of India’s Cities
No.58 The (Spatial) Ties that Bind: Frequent Casual Contact, the Shadow of the Future, and Prosociality Across Ethnic Divisions
No.55 Leadership, Community Ties, and Participation of the Poor: Evidence from Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia.
No.53 Changing Repertoires of Housing Mobilisation: Struggles to Stay at Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic
No.50 Explaining the Resilience of Single-Party Regimes: Centralized Politics, Promotability, and Corruption
No.49 Co-Partisanship with Mayors and Citizen Trust in Local Governance Institutions: Evidence from Tunisia
No.47 Citizen Participation in Local Government Elections in the Age of Crowdsourcing: Explorations and Considerations in Tanzania
No.46 Women Leaders: Exploring the Effects of the Chief Executive Gender on Budget Composition in Comparative Perspective
No.45 Electoral Responsiveness in Closed Autocracies: Evidence from Petitions in the former German Democratic Republic
No.43 Bread and Salt: Labour, Reputation, and Trust between Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Hashish Farmers in the Northern Biqa’a
No.41 How Does Punishment Affect Reintegration? Attitudes Toward Islamic State "Collaborators" in Iraq
No.30 Bureaucrat-Local Politician Linkages and Hierarchical Local Governance in Emerging Democracies: A Case Study of Tunisia
No.29 Caulking the Social Fabric: How National and Local Identities Promote Pro-Social Attitudes in European Diverse and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods
No.27 Do Women Face a Different Standard? The Gender and Corruption Factors in the 2014 Presidential Elections in Malawi
No.24 Tribes without Sheikhs? Technological Change, Media Liberalization, and Authority in Networked Jordan
No.18 Moving from race- to performance-based politics: Swing voters in South Africa’s 2016 local elections