GLD Working Papers

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No. 77 Refugee Exposure and Attitudes Toward Refugees in a Developing Country Context

No. 77 Refugee Exposure and Attitudes Toward Refugees in a Developing Country Context

No.76 Customary Courts, State Institutions, or Opting Out: Patterns of Forum Pluralism in Three African Countries

No.76 Customary Courts, State Institutions, or Opting Out: Patterns of Forum Pluralism in Three African Countries

No.75 Domesticating Politics: How Religiously Conservative Parties Mobilize Women in India

No.75 Domesticating Politics: How Religiously Conservative Parties Mobilize Women in India

No.74 Migrant Remittances and Local Taxes in Latin America

No.74 Migrant Remittances and Local Taxes in Latin America

No.73 Information and Motivation: Why Governments Respond to Watchdog Journalism

No.73 Information and Motivation: Why Governments Respond to Watchdog Journalism