An intricately decorated archway with geometric patterns, blue and turquoise tiles, and a carved column is set against a clear blue sky.

Governance and Local Development Institute

Our Mission

We aim to promote human welfare by conducting and advancing scientifically rigorous research across the globe. Our research focuses on answering a fundamental question: why are some communities able to provide secure environments, good education, adequate healthcare, and other factors that encourage human development, while others fail to do so? We engage with communities in which we work, develop methodological tools, gather data, undertake analyses on major issues affecting societies today, foster networks between and disseminate findings to academics, relevant policy-makers, and the communities in around the world.

GLD Annual Report 2024 is Out!

GLD celebrates a remarkable 2024! We established a new center at Cornell University, advanced eight research projects worldwide, and refined our Local Governance Process Indicators tool. Our global community expanded with new fellows and associates, while our events engaged over 240 participants. GLD continues to foster effective governance through rigorous research and meaningful collaboration.

Governance Uncovered

Our monthly podcast invites scholars and professionals worldwide to discuss issues related to governance and local development with host Ellen Lust.

Governance Uncovered is supported by the Swedish Research Council.

Edited by Sara Bjurenvall.