Governance and Local Development Institute

“We aim to promote human welfare by conducting scientifically rigorous research across the globe. Our research focuses on answering a fundamental question: why are some communities able to provide secure environments, good education, adequate healthcare, and other factors that encourage human development, while others fail to do so? We engage with communities across the world, develop methodological tools, gather data, undertake analyses on major issues affecting societies today, and disseminate findings to academics, relevant policy-makers, and the communities in which we work.”

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Latest Publications

Information and Motivation: Why Governments Respond to Watchdog Journalism

Dylan W. Groves evaluates two explanations for why governments respond to journalism: journalism informs government officials about their constituents’ preferences, and journalism motivates officials [...]


Do Corruption Experiences Promote Emigration? Observational and Experimental Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

How does corruption influence emigration decisions? Previous research has focused on the relationship between individuals’ perceptions of corruption and their desire to emigrate [...]

Fellow Interview with Rachael McLellan

Rachael McLellan is an Assistant Professor in Politics in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow. Her work focuses on the politics of local government and opposition in electoral autocracies. She has done significant fieldwork in Tanzania and is currently writing a book manuscript based on this research. She received her PhD in Politics from Princeton University in 2020. In this interview, Rachael tells us about her work in Tanzania on local control, decentralization, and authoritarian regimes. 

Governance Uncovered

Our monthly podcast invites scholars and professionals worldwide to discuss issues related to governance and local development with host Ellen Lust.

Governance Uncovered is supported by the Swedish Research Council.