Our Data
GLD Data provides rich datasets on governance and local development, covering topics like elections, service provision, and gender equality across the Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. You can access public datasets on Harvard Dataverse or request embargoed data via our Data Use Agreement. You can also request survey support from GLD Data, we provide services like questionnaire design, data cleaning, and dissemination. Learn more and access tools to estimate survey costs further down on this page!
Available Data
GLD has a rich set of data on issues relating to governance and local development from countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Our goal is always for our datasets to be available and used by those who work on similar topics.
We currently have data from:
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Morocco, Tunisia, Zambia.
Collected between the years of:
Topics include:
Covid-19, Dispute Resolution, Elections, Local Elites, Local Governance, Members of Parliament, Service Provision, MENA Region, Female Electability
How to Access GLD Data
GLD has two types of data: 1) publicly available and 2) still under embargo. You can access GLD’s publicly available data via the Harvard Dataverse (dataverse.harvard.edu) by searching for “Governance and Local Development Institute”.
It is also sometimes possible to request access to a dataset (or a piece of a dataset) that has not yet been made publicly available. To do so, follow the instructions below.
- Download GLD’s Data Use Agreement (DUA) here: external_recipient_gld_data_use_agreement.pdf
- Determine which dataset(s) you would like access to for research or teaching. You can do this by:
- Reviewing the list of datasets in the DUA
- Coming Soon – Review the Datasets page on GLD’s website
- Email a completed and signed DUA to data@gld.gu.se
- A member of GLD’s team will review your request and get back to you as soon as possible with next steps.
- If your request is approved, we will provide you with details to access the data.
- Otherwise, we will try to figure out a different agreement.
Interactive View and Data Download
Our interactive ShinyApp tool makes it easy to explore, download, and customize the LGPI 2019 dataset—perfect for researchers, students, and policymakers. The dataset is built from a household survey conducted in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia, offering insights into governance at both individual and community levels.
The data covers a wide range of topics, including:
- Participation (e.g., community meetings, voting)
- Service Provision (e.g., education, health, water, electricity)
- Security (e.g., crime, dispute resolution)
- Social Norms (e.g., social obligations, sanctioning)
- Welfare & Demographics (e.g., land access, food security, shelter)
With the ShinyApp, you can sort the data by region or topic, tailoring it to your specific interests. Whether you're curious about education in Zambia or voting patterns in Kenya, this tool makes the data accessible and actionable.
View the LGPI 2019 Dataset here!
What is a ShinyApp?
A ShinyApp is an interactive web application built using the Shiny framework in R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. Shiny is developed by RStudio (now Posit) and enables R users to create dynamic, web-based applications directly from R scripts without requiring extensive web development skills.
Data Support Services
GLD Data is happy to offer cost-effective support for the collection, management, analysis, and dissemination of survey data. We have experience with surveys implemented online, face-to-face, and via the telephone across a wide range of contexts.
Our full list of services include:
- Questionnaire Design
- Sampling Strategies
- Translation Facilitation
- Survey Coding
- Enumerator Training Materials
- Data Quality Monitoring
- Data Cleaning
- Documentation
- Dissemination
Are you interested in survey support? You can schedule a 1-hour consultation by sending an email to data@gld.gu.se and can get a preliminary cost estimate using our online survey support cost calculator: gld-data.shinyapps.io/Survey_Collaboration_Budget/