Our Mission
“We aim to promote human welfare by conducting scientifically rigorous research across the globe. Our research focuses on answering a fundamental question: why are some communities able to provide secure environments, good education, adequate healthcare, and other factors that encourage human development, while others fail to do so? We engage with communities across the world, develop methodological tools, gather data, undertake analyses on major issues affecting societies today, and disseminate findings to academics, relevant policy-makers, and the communities in which we work.”
Our work is centred around answering a fundamental question: why do some communities succeed in providing secure environments, quality education, adequate healthcare, and other factors that foster human development, while others face challenges in doing so?
To achieve our objectives, we employ the following strategies:
- Local Engagement: We actively engage with communities around the world, keeping a conversation with local stakeholders, policymakers, and academics. By fostering meaningful partnerships, we ensure that our research is grounded in the realities and needs of the communities we work with.
- Rigorous Research: We employ scientifically rigorous methodologies to conduct in-depth research on societal issues. Our studies encompass a wide range of topics, including governance, local development, social cohesion, and human rights. Through careful analysis and data-driven approaches, we generate valuable insights and evidence-based recommendations.
- Methodological Tools: We continuously develop and refine methodological tools that enable us to collect and analyze data effectively. These tools help us gain a comprehensive understanding of complex societal dynamics, empowering us to identify factors that contribute to successful human development and those that hinder progress.
- Data Collection and Analysis: We gather relevant data from diverse sources, including surveys, interviews, and existing datasets. Our multidisciplinary teams employ advanced analytical techniques to derive meaningful conclusions and identify patterns and correlations within the data. This analytical rigor allows us to uncover key drivers of community well-being and identify areas for improvement.
- Dissemination of Findings: We are dedicated to sharing our research findings with various stakeholders, including academics, policymakers, and the communities themselves. By disseminating our insights, recommendations, and best practices, we aim to catalyze positive change and inform evidence-based policy decisions. We also facilitate dialogue and knowledge exchange through conferences, workshops, and publications.
By employing this comprehensive approach, we strive to make a tangible impact on human welfare and contribute to the development of communities worldwide. Our ultimate goal is to help societies understand the factors that enable positive outcomes and provide them with the knowledge and tools needed to create environments conducive to human development and well-being.
How are things going?
See our Annual Reports for an overview of what we have been doing each year.