Gender, Governance, and Representation (LGPI Malawi 2016)
Short description
The Gender, Governance, and Representation (LGPI Malawi 2016) project was a collaboration between the Governance and Local Development Institute at the University of Gothenburg, researchers from the University of Bergen, the Christian Michelsen Institute, and Chancellor College, Malawi.
About the Project
The Gender, Governance, and Representation project was a collaboration between the Governance and Local Development Institute at the University of Gothenburg, researchers from the University of Bergen and the Christian Michelsen Institute in Norway, and Boniface Dulani from Chancellor College, Malawi. The study examined the drivers of local governance and service provision, with a focus on women’s attitudes and experiences.
Using qualitative case studies, a public opinion survey incorporating Local Governance Process Indicators (LGPI), and elite interviews, the project explored gender representation and local governance. It also contributed to a broader cross-national initiative led by the Chr. Michelsen Institute on the impact of gender-focused aid. The study’s relevance in Malawi was heightened by the reintroduction of elected local councils in 2014 amid ongoing decentralization debates.
Benstead, Lindsay J.; Muriaas, Ragnhild L.; and Wang, Vibeke. (2018). "Donor Endorsements Help or Hurt?" Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 16. Available here.
Dulani, Boniface; Harris, Adam S.; Horowitz, Jeremy; Kayuni, Happy. (2020). "Electoral Preferences Among Multiethnic Voters in Africa. Comparative Political Studies, https://doi.org/10.1177/0010414020926196.
Dulani, Boniface; Rakner, Lisa; Benstead, Lindsay and Wang, Vibeke. (2020). “Do women face a different standard? The gender and corruption factors in the 2014 presidential elections in Malawi,” Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 27. Available here.
Dulani, Boniface; Rakner, Lisa; Benstead, Lindsay and Wang, Vibeke. (2021). "Do women face a different standard? The interplay of gender and corruption in the 2014 presidential elections in Malawi". Women's Studies International Forum, Vol.88. doi: 10.1016/j.wsif.2021.102501
Muriaas, Ragnhild; Wang, Vibeke; Benstead, Lindsay J.; Dulani, Boniface; and Rakner, Lise. (2017). "It Takes a Female Chief: Gender and Effective Policy Advocacy in Malawi." Governance and Local Development Working Paper Series, No. 11. Available here.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L.; Wang, Vibeke; Benstead, Lindsay; Dulani, Boniface; and Rakner, Lise. (2018). "Why the gender of traditional authorities matters: Intersectionality and women’s rights advocacy in Malawi." Comparative Political Studies. https://doi.org/10.1177/0010414018774369
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2016). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Livelihood," Series 2016:5, University of Gothenburg. Available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2016). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Land," Series 2016:4, University of Gothenburg. Available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2016). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Education," Series 2016:6, University of Gothenburg. Available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2016). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Health," Series 2016:7, University of Gothenburg. Available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2017). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings from 15 Districts," Series 2017:1, University of Gothenburg. Available here.
Governance and Local Development Institute; IPOR. (2017). "The LGPI in Malawi: Selected Findings on Gender," Series 2017:2, University of Gothenburg. Available here.
Bibtex citation format:
@data{DVN/IURPRI_2023, author = {Ellen Lust and Kristen Kao and Pierre F. Landry and Adam Harris and Boniface Dulani and Atusaye Zgambo and Asiyati Chiweza and Happy Kayuni and Ragnhild L. Muriaas and Lise Rakner and Vibeke Wang and Lindsey Benstead and Felix Hartmann and Sebastian Nickel}, publisher = {Harvard Dataverse}, title = {{The Local Governance Performance Index (LGPI) Household Survey 2016: Malawi}}, UNF = {UNF:6:uGU0St19AK1/ZTZjAStQeg==}, year = {2023}, version = {V1}, doi = {10.7910/DVN/IURPRI}, url = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/IURPRI} }
Access the full dataset via Harvard Database https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/IURPRI
This data collection was supported by the Research Council of Norway, Chr Michelsen Institute, and Swedish Research Council Recruitment Grant (Swedish Research Council – E0003801), PI: Pam Fredman. We thank IPOR Malawi for implementing the survey and Maria Thorson for administrative support.